Premiere Salt Lake City Moving Company – 801-364-9100

If you’d like to green-up your kitchen, you can do so while still implementing style and quality. With the help of MSN, the Salt Lake City movers learnt that there are plenty of materials on the market these days that are kinder to the environment taking into account good taste. Of course replacing your old […]

In 2005, the National Association of Realtors reported that owners’ equity increase by 15% that same year alone and average home sales price increased by 11.3% compared to 2004. However, half of today’s homeowners have less than 50% equity in their homes and 14.6 million homeowners owe more on their homes that their home is […]

What is Feng Shui and why are celebrities like Oprah, Donald Trump and Steven Spielberg embracing it? Feng Shui is an ancient Asian art that dates back to at least 3000 years ago. The main idea behind this art is to help people live more balanced lives, because it focuses on masculine and feminine energies […]

According to USA Today, Salt Lake City is among 25 cities that went from having more than half of its population be homeowners in 2000 to having the majority of people be renters 10 years later. Baltimore, Minneapolis and Sacramento is in the same boat. USA Today says that overall there was a 34% increase […]

Home Foreclosures are a definite part of everyone’s reality these days. If you’re lucky to not have gone through the process, you most probably know someone who has. Foreclosures not only affect the individuals and families going through it, but also it affect the neighbors’ homes as well as its community and neighboring area. Now […]

According to Bankrate, the average closing costs on a $200,000 home is about $4,070. That equals almost a 9% increase compared to last year when the magic number was $3,741. The states with the highest closing costs are New York, Texas and yes, Utah. So if you’re moving to Salt Lake City and its surrounding […]

Many people these days are renting due to the economic market. Renting is on trend again but many don’t think twice before signing the lease. Since renting doesn’t feel as big of a deal as buying a home, many don’t take the necessary precautions before getting into a renting contract. If you’re about to rent […]

With the economy being what it is, the Salt Lake City movers found out that the average home these days is taking almost a year to sell. And with unsold homes come costs associated with living in the property, maintenance and repair. Research firms have been showing that over 11 million homes in the U.S. […]

Robosigning is still affecting the real estate industry, even after all the attention it got for the past six months. The Associated Press said the mortgage industry employees in at least three states are still signing unread mortgage documents and faking signatures to speed up the whole process. Suspect paperwork is also making its way […]

If you’re ready to buy a home, there are some steps you should take to ensure a smooth transition from renting to owning. It doesn’t happen overnight. The first thing you should do is create a professional team that will help you throughout the journey. This includes a realtor, a lender, a professional moving company, […]