Nearby conveniences like transit, restaurants, and shopping are big draws for many people when deciding where to move. Because we know this is true, your Salt Lake City packing and moving company was excited to learn about the new plans for Station Center. What is Station Center, you may ask? According to Jason Mathis, executive director of Salt Lake City’s Downtown Alliance, it is a “big deal.”
Salt Lake City planners are mapping out a mixed-use urban area for Station Center. It will include: retail stores, restaurants, bars, apartments, and commercial buildings. It is also very close to Salt Lake Central Station, which is a big draw. The downtown area is in the Depot District, and consists of the two city blocks between 200 South and 400 South, from 500 West to 600 West.
The huge project will need some private investors, so the Salt Lake City’s Redevelopment Agency is courting prominent financiers. One drawback is the area’s homeless population and the homeless services in the neighborhood, but most private investors are not deterred, as the proximity to the transit hub is very appealing. The project is in the developmental stages, so completion is not expected for three to six years. Either way, everyone is excited about the buzz!
Station Center is another sign of the city’s continued growth. If you are moving to Salt Lake City, be sure to keep an eye on Station Center’s development. Once completed, it is sure to be a wonderful place to grab dinner, go shopping, and explore.